Monday, October 15, 2007

ACTEM Conference

What a great conference. I am not yet comfortable with a lot of the new "buzzwords", but having heard some of them before, it is beginning to sound a bit more familiar. I found out that MIT has open courses where you can take any of their courses online with no cost. I learned that I can setup a website through moodle for free. The keynote speaker was very interesting, but I am not sure that some of his views of what first graders can do is accurate. I also think he is living in his own "perfect world" concerning students. Many of my students do not have computers or the Internet at home. They especially do not have high-speed Internet connections, neither do many of our older students. I am sure I learned more, but I need to process it first.


Scott said...

This is great! What are some of the things that you learned? What are some things that you want to know more about? I agree about the presenter, he did have some ideas that I thought were a little too perfect. On Jim Burke's blog that was also said although they discussed depending too much on other people knowing the information that our students need. I personally thought that he gave too much credit to the way that students will act online. I posted your blog on my blog

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